

just wanted to say thank you! for all the reminders that it's okay to be human.
feeling much better.
also, i think we need to start a california chapter of kate's mediocre club. brilliant.

can't wait for this concert tomorrow night. should be dreamy.
i also wanted to urge you all to watch this documentary on martin luther king, jr.
airing on pbs on wednesday.

this is a photo of the best peanut butter chocolate easter egg i've ever eaten.
we have been nibbling on it for the past couple of days...
trying to make it last as long as possible. i'm off to finish packing.
see you next monday!


1. Char said...

oh how i love patty griffin. i hope the week gets better for you - and yes, it okay to be human.

and yum, easter candy!

2. kelly ann said...

OHHH, peanut butter chocolate eggs are my favorite! so delicious, i need to try this one. :)

and i adore patty griffin, i have all of her music. would you mind doing a little recap of the concert? i just love her!

3. Havilah Savage said...

have a great trip! and you have a beautiful blog so when you're feeling down, don't forget that you inspire others often- that's worth a lot.

4. Bernie said...

So happy, you sound so very much better....:-) Hugs

5. Kellie Collis said...

Yum -looks delicious!

6. Unknown said...

it is okay to be human, thats the one thing everyone should know. Because whatever you do, your only human for doing it (:

I love your blog, following you!

- Michelle

7. thais said...

ginger elizabeth looks amazing and delicious! thx for sharing!

8. Jane said...

I love chocolate easter eggs. I have a memory of my grandparents giving us hollowed eggs made out of sugar with little scenes inside. I never ate them but loved to peek inside and marvel at all of the intricate work.

9. bigBANG studio said...

hope you have a wonderful, much-needed, much-deserved trip HOME. because really, there is nothing so marvelous and rejuvenating for muggles as the packing up small suitcases and going home to the mountains and home to mummy. or at least that's what i think, and i'm probably in good company.


10. That Girl in Pearls said...

Hi Love! I left you a little something on my blog ;)

Come check it out!

11. Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

Is there a better combo on Earth than chocolate and peanut butter?!

12. Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comments on my blog it's makes me soo happy.

Your blog is, as usual, full of inspiration and I want to wish you a Happy Easter!

Agneta, Sweden

13. Cafe Fashionista said...

You've just reminded me that I haven't had any Easter candy this year - that needs to change!

Have a fabulous time, my love!! :)

14. Kara said...

When do you get in town and how long will you be here? It would be great to see you's been way too long.

15. Hila said...

my tummy rumbled when I saw that photo of the egg :)