cj and i are packing up our bags
and leaving early tomorrow morning
to visit home.
{i don't think california will ever feel like home}.
i'm looking forward to cooler weather, snow, mountains, and family.
i really need this little trip.
see you next week.
{p.s. sorry about the "woe is me" manifesto monday...i hope to get ahold of myself soon}
Oh how I adore your blog.
Looking back...reading back older post...I am more and more intrigued by all that you are.
So real...
so genuine.
VEry unique.
Thank you for being real.
I can soooo relate to your manifesto monday post!
Oh yeah!
You have it MORE together than you realize.
Thank you for who you are and for allowing me to experience all of the raw and wonderful emotions that flow so sweetly from your soul.
What a sweet sweet soul.
Happy Trip! ;o)
Enjoy being home surrounded by all that you love and need right now.
........:-) Hugs
Have an awesome trip! Utah, I assume. Be safe through Nevada.
This photo is beautiful!! I love the blue background ... Spring is lovely!! Enjoy your trip! XO
love the photo. cherry blossoms, how deliciously beautiful, don't you think?
YAY... can't wait :)
Love reading your blog, i can identify myself in many things you share here. Dilemmas are something I am familiar with, like your feelings you like to call 'weaknesses' which are so typical of a a caring and profound soul like yours - no weaknesses for you dear, and as for the job, been in the same situation for few years and can tell you that at the moment I am doing a part time job that I can just bare.... don't worry so many people like to hide behind the - I've got it all - meanwhile they have dysfunctional attidute and addictions that go beyond our sweet tooth. My dear enjoy your trip, I am sure you will have such a wounderful time!
I'm going to Utah on Thursday! I'm so excited to be there for easter!! No place like home. It would be fun to get together if you have a moment. If not, have fun and tell mama peck hi!
have fun, dearest. <3
wishing you a great peaceful happy trip ;)
I'm in love with this photo!!
Have a great trip!
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