I hereby resolve to:
1. Walk slower and bow more often.
2. Commit one poem to memory each month.
3. Lengthen each inhale and each exhale.
4. Give thanks for the fruits of the earth.
5. Write one hand-written note to someone I love each week.
6. Be slow to offense and quick to forgive.
7. Arise each morning with awe and wonder.
8. Take a walk outside everyday to feel the air.
9. Photograph at least one thing each day.
10. Buy only things that are needed, and remember: "Make do, or do without"
11. Learn how to knit.
12. Find more ways to say "I Love You" to Ceej
13. Namaste for every living being.
I chose thirteen as my number this year--for its feminine symbolism. And I've also added another element to my resolutions this year: a "wild" word, the idea adopted from Terry Tempest Williams. My wild word for 2009 is "Speak."
Photo by nicholas lorden.
hey beautiful anna, great resolutions. I went to this wonderful womens retreat i would love to tell you about sometime. we also choose a word for the new year. I haven't made a final decision, but it might be cherish.
love you.
Great resolutions Ann. You are a wonderful person.
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