I believe in the liberating power of laughter and silliness. This is something I learned from my mom and her family. They are professional laughers, story-tellers, and jokesters. I remember when all of us kids were growing up we would wonder at how the adults could talk for hours and hours-laughing all the way-though the topics being discussed were of a somewhat serious matter. I have been grateful for the gift of laughter and silliness over the years. It has helped me to "let go" when things get overwhelming. It has helped me to laugh at myself, and to not take myself so seriously. I am grateful for moments of spontaneous silliness that is unorchestrated, and has absolutely no meaning. I am grateful for impromptu dance and story-telling. It has made my heart light, and given me a renewed spirit to go forward with all that lays before me. This I believe.
That is awesome. laughter truly is one of the best parts of life.
oh, me too! i believe. i love the ease with which a conversation flows from seriousness to hilarity. i have found most of my friends on the fine line that separates the 2--so fine it sometimes doesn't even exist. thanks for posting this. it just reaffirms my belief.
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