paris : watching the sun go down while sitting on the siene


the last night of our european adventure was spent on the siene watching the sun go down.
it was nice to have no real plan other than sitting idly by this iconic lover's river.
and that's all we did. we just sat and watched the sun go down--
and did a little people watching too. we watched the other lovers and the other groups of friends
enjoy a night of pure idle nothingness. just lots of deep breaths, coy smiles, and leaning heads on shoulders.

in love.

ten years ago ceej and i kissed for the first time. what kids we were. what bliss.

it's a good spring day to be thinking about love.

happy weekend everyone!


Micaela // Drifter and the Gypsy said...

Lovely photos. You've really stirred up the travel bug in me! I think this is the first time you've posted pictures of yourself facing the camera; you are mighty pretty, m'dear :)

N said...

Oh Ann, just gorgeous! I miss Paris, but really, doesn't everyone? haha

I've been absent from the blogging world for a few months now, being bombarded by life's events, but now that I'm back, your beautiful blog is the first one I've visited. I cannot get enough of these Europe posts! What wonderful memories you've made and your posts are always so thoughtful and thought-provoking. "Night[s] of pure idle nothingness" are truly a wonderful gem to experience every now and again. :)

Nat x

Ma Belle Paris said...

Wow we may just have walked past one another... I was doing the exact same things last night ... and by the looks of those pictures we were in the exact same spot :) happy travelling

sweet harvest moon said...

The Seine is beautiful.

Deb Walter said...

OHH, so very magnificent !!!~! I travel thru you both...Thank you....

Lauren said...

oh how i want to go! how dreamy, how lovely.

madelief said...

Gorgeous colours captured really well, you are a talented photographer. The river's name is spelled 'Seine' I believe.