2013's wild word : V O I C E


"give me one wild word to follow...."

those of you who have been following me for a while know that i don't make the typical resolutions
because you know, and i know all too well, i'll never ban sugar or carbs nor will i set up a list of goals
for an entire year that are bound to fall through leaving me feeling like a quitter--which i'm not...i'm simply flexible.

what has really worked for me over the past few years is to follow terry tempest williams and choose one "wild word" to guide me throughout the year. last year my word was "pages." this worked for me...i began to write and write and write both for school and for my personal life. so much has been put down on paper--which means the scary part is here:

this year i mean to take maya angelou's words to heart and lift the meaning of my words off of the page and deep into humanity. i've known for years that my voice has been broken due to fear and mistrust of myself. now, today, in 2013 i'm more than ready to speak up because it's all been pent up for so long. i'm ready to transition from good to something more far-reaching.

i'm especially hoping for time to raise my voice more here on the blog, and create opportunities for all of you to raise your voice as well. our voices will wake, and we will indeed move mountains.

here's to 2013 and the voice!


Anonymous said...

Ann Marie, I came across your blog late last year and devoured every single post - I'm on the other side of the world (south-eastern Australia), but our paths seem so similar and checking in here is now something I look forward to very much. All the very best with your Voice in 2013! My words are Simple and Brave, as I launch into directing a play, 'Emma', for which I wrote a script from the novel last year.
Yours in sweltering post-Christmas heat (41 Celcius today!!), Amelia :)

Cloudia said...

walk on...together....

from Honolulu,
Comfort Spiral
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samantha ramage said...

ooh, i love the idea of being more vocal in 2013! i am all about creativity this year. i got married in 2011, which i feel took all the creativity from my body, so last year i didn't make much. i am ready to get back to work this year and to learn how to use my new big girl digital camera i got from santa (my husband!)


RetreatingAndAdvancing said...

that's the perfect word to guide you through 2013! wish you a wonderful new year :)

Anonymous said...

I have loved following your blog over the last year, and I can't wait to see where this takes you :)


Skyler & Lindsey said...

What an interesting word. I am excited to see how it guides and shapes your year.

Laura said...

I just found your blog and was thrilled to find you do a word of the year! I do the same thing! I started doing it in high school and love the idea of a theme for the year. My word this year is embrace! I love the quotes you shared - lovely.

N said...

You are so inspiring Ann. I have decided to follow in your footsteps this year, being so excited to do so since last year, and choose a word for myself: transformation.

'Voice' is very exciting indeed and I can't wait to see where it takes you and to listen to and read about what you have to say.

I wish you the best of luck, lovely lady!

Nat x

Ann Marie said...

simple, brave, creativity, embrace, transformation...i'm loving all of your words this year! onward!

Angy is my name. said...

Oh.. oh..oh... realise this. Your voice just touched a soul who was ever so ready (and in need) to hear those words. THaNK YoU ♥♥♥

whoisnell said...

wow.. i am so looking forward to see more of your heartfelt and inspiring moments sharing.. i wish you continue to find the courage, the burning passion for life and be kind to your self..

i told myself that 2013, 'it's time'


Lucy said...

I happen to be in the middle of Terry Tempest Williams' "When Women Were Birds" and I am also currently engaged in a looong email discussion with some women in my family about the state of the earth's consciousness, and whether or not pain and suffering comes from a silenced feminine flame. I believe it does. I believe the planet will regain balance and harmony when men stop abusing their power by oppressing women and women stop abusing their power by being subversive.

Like you, I am looking for my voice because I want to help change the world. I find it wonderful and serendipitous that I found my way to my Google reader today (haven't opened it in months) and into your blog.

Rory said...

What a powerful and beautiful way to interpret 'new year’s resolution' I love this. Very real and very inspiring.. Here's cheers to 2013 and your voice! :-)

Debie Grace said...

Sometimes I end up being mute to events I'm too scared to speak about, to problems that I'm too scared to show my probable solutions because I'm scared of being judged (and that I might be wrong), and a lot more. I know, my voice needs to be heard. I know, this year I can show it. I will. I will practice. Cheers!

Inge said...

Beautiful! I'm very excited to hear what great things you have in store for the world. My voice has been broken due to fear and mistrust of myself as well; this year I finally feel like I am on the path to being and showing who I really am and not let fear get in the way of what I really want to do and be. You're inspiring in your honesty. xo Inge