food for vegetarians : desert sage flatbread and how i got locked out delivering these goodies to neighbors


this recipe comes from a beautiful cookbook, "with a measure of grace."
i received mine as a gift from my favorite couple ever for a graduation present.

yesterday, when i decided to give this bread a try, i was determined
to bake the bread, do the laundry, practice the violin, and take photographs
all at the same time. so you know what happened, i'm sure...

i forgot to add a couple of ingredients at the right time,
and in my hurry to drop hot rolls off at the neighbors
i locked myself out, in a snow/thunder storm...
and, of course, ceej is out of town and we don't have
a spare key anywhere, and i was late to teach a yoga class.
funny, but i was rather calm and amused mostly.
i spent a few more minutes at another neighbor's house
as my in-laws came to the rescue and i flew to class
just in time...and i finally got back into my house safe and sound.

it's good to have family and friends so willing to help, yes?

anyway, despite my mistakes in the recipe they still turned out deliciously...
warm rolls with butter/ghee & honey was just what i needed last night
after all the craziness. here's the recipe:


3 cups warm water
1 Tbsp yeast
1 Tbsp sugar
6 cups flour
1 1/4 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup bran
1/4 cup olive oil plus more for drizzling
1 Tbsp salt plus coarse salt for sprinkling
2 Tbsp chopped fresh sage

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
in a large mixing bowl combine the water, yeast, and sugar and let bubble for 10 minutes
add flour, cornmeal, bran, oil, salt, and sage to yeast mixture.
mix slowly, as it can get messy.
machine-knead for 5 minutes, or knead by hand until dough is smooth and easy to handle.
place dough in large, oiled bowl.
turn dough ball to coat with oil and cover with plastic wrap.
let rise 30 minutes
re-knead for a minute, adding additional flour if necessary to make the dough easier to handle.
pull dough out onto floured table and form into 6-ounce balls (tennis-ball sized) for sandwiches, or 3-ounce balls (golf-ball sized) for dinner rolls.
place balls on lined baking sheet and flatten a bit.
let rise 10 minutes, then flatten again, spreading dough with fingertips and poking small holes into surface.
bread should be flat and round, like a hamburger bun.
drizzle more olive oil over tops of formed flatbread and sprinkle them with coarse salt.
for an extra zing add chile flakes or grated Parmesan.
the poked holes will collect the sprinkled goodies for a lovely pocket of flavor.
bake flatbread 25-35 minutes until golden and fragrant.