there were a few other scripted lines that crept into our blessing over the food, but length was most important...especially when we were starving.
in the past few years as i've read books written by michael pollan and others written by "slow food" champions, i've began to say more sincere and far-reaching prayers over my food. thanks for the farmers who work so hard. thanks for the soil and the earth that bring forth such tasty and nourishing food. thanks for the weather, rain and shine, that play a part too. bless that we'll be more aware of our food and where it comes from. help us to support farmers, local farmers especially. bless the food to digest in an optimal and pleasant way. thank you for food nourished by the heavens and the earth. etc.
then i began going to an ayurvedic practitioner. she prescribed meal sadhana. what? sadhana is a sanskrit word that means to make an "everyday" or "simple" act sacred. not only should i offer a sincere prayer of thanks and blessing on my food, but i should take a deep breath before each bite, offering up the food to the altar that is my body (a temple of sorts). each flavor, spice, fruit, vegetable is an offering. no computer during eating/offering times. no angry conversations. slow eating, conscious chewing, and pleasant conversation.
food tastes much better. i am ever more grateful. this i believe.
photo by me. dining table. june 2009. strawberries from the farmer's market. bowl from grandma whittaker.
Gratitude is the key to abundance...
thanks for this post. "Sadhana" sounds like a good thing to practice. i'll try it! it also makes me think of respecting my body more--I am now glad I didn't partake of the junk food that someone brought into the office today...
I love the idea!
i'm a visitor from sarah sample's blog. i just want to say that i am grateful for this post. i often rush through my prayers over food, but this made me realize that i am thankful for the soil, the farmer's that cultivate the soil and bring forth such delicious goods, etc... so i will be more aware now of that, and slow down, and breathe, and be grateful for all that went into creating my meals. thank you.
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