Contrary to popular belief, slavery did not end at the end of the Civil War. Slavery still exists...and there are more slaves today than there has ever been in the history of our planet. There are 27 MILLION slaves world wide. 50,000 of those slaves are in the UNITED STATES. 8.4 Million are children. In the past, the cost of a slave would be the equivalent in today's money as $40,000. Today, a slave costs the average of $90. Slave made goods flow in and out of the country everyday. Every one is touched by slavery in some way. (So next time you buy something made in China, India, or anywhere in Asia--because that's where most of the slaves are and where most of our goods are made--think about the big possibility that it was made, somewhere along the line, by a slave)

here to visit the
Free the Slaves website to read stories of former slaves, and to find out what you can do to

I first heard about this monumental tragedy when Ceej and I listened to the author of
this book, E. Benjamin Skinner, give an interview with the
National Constitution Center via podcast. These NCC podcasts are AMAZING. You really should subscribe. Make sure you listen to this specific podcast...it's under the
Legacy of 1808 series. Skinner gives this definition of a slave:
Those that are forced to work, under threat of violence, for no pay beyond subsistance.
I'm so glad I have your blog to inform me about things. It's really nice that I get to benefit from all of the great research you and CJ do! You guys are amazing!
It's so hard to find ANYTHING not made in China. I was proud of myself for finding some shirts last night from Cambodia, Vietnam, instead. Now I'm not...
I don't know where to buy anything anymore!
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