

Ceej and I are reading this lovely and inspiring book together. Nader talks about how his parents and community did such a wonderful job of raising him and his siblings, but mostly it's about his parents. They taught him to love education and argument, to take care of his health, to respect elders, to learn how to think, to be an active citizen, etc. It is so so good. One thing I really like knowing about Nader's parents is that they came from a tradition than honored proverbs. When Nader and his siblings would misbehave, rather than shout "shut up!" or "stop it!", they would rattle off a proverb. These proverbs really stuck with the kids and made them think. Love it.

You can go to The Seventeen Traditions website and add your own traditions to the list. What a great idea!


1. Dee said...

It looks sooo good. I'm totally going to read it! I'm always looking for good parents as role models too!

2. Dee said...

Ann Marie-
I'm sooo very sad. I'm surrounded by McCain supporters and now Palin madness and I feel soooo hopeless, frustrated, and scared for the future of Americans who need help. I know how you feel about Obama, and I understand. I really admire Nader. But if McCain wins I don't know what I'll do. It's sooo much worse than Obama isn't it? Obama at least is against the marriage amendment, wants out of Iraq, supports alternative energy, and doesn't support oil drilling (for the most part, far less than his couterparts). He wants to reverse Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy. These are all good things, no? I'm just discouraged and don't see how my nerves will handle this election.

3. Ann Marie said...

As far as I'm concerned Obama and McCain are essentially the same. They are both in huge debt to huge corporations. It's hard for me to not feel outraged about it all. Obama does give great speeches. BUT that doesn't mean he's going to do what he says. Read and study Obama as well as the history of politics...especially the history of the Democratic party. I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. If Nader was allowed to debate more Americans would support him. The system is messed up and if we keep giving in to it, then what can we complain about? Until we change our own behavior things are going to change at all. We have to make Obama EARN his votes. I don't want him to win just because he was better than the other guy--that gives him too much power over us. He's not beholden to the American people that way. I've made my decision to vote for someone I can believe in 100% and no less. Better to vote for a candidate i believe in and he loses than to vote for someone i don't believe in and he wins. We've got to get past the political show that the Republicans and Democrats put on. It's a joke and insulting.

4. Ann Marie said...

And, there have been studies done on previous elections that prove that Nader did not "spoil" the election for Gore...Gore spoiled it for himself. I no longer choose to be bullied by the Democrats and Republicans. I can vote for who I want. And I don't want either of them. They've convinced most Americans that we don't have a voice, that we can't change anything, and that we have no other choice than our 2 poor corporate choices. Boo.

5. Dee said...

You have a point. I understand. I hope I didn't upset you. I'm just discouraged about it all. If you think Obama and McCain are the same, I don't blame you at all and I see your point entirely. I have no problem with your support of Nader. Not one bit, in fact I admire it. I would never blame you or all Nader supporters in general, if McCain wins.