manifesto monday : this deliberate pace


i have to be. i must find ways to be slow and deliberate about my days.
when i walk upstairs i watch my feet...because i'm running from
task to chore to work to dreams to beauty to frustration to exhaustion.

today my body felt it. exhaustion. i felt it coming on last night after
an intense week and an emotional weekend. so much good is filling my cup...
and it's overflowing. sometimes i really don't know what to do with it,
and it feels strange to have so much at my fingertips--to be so close
to what dreams are becoming.

today my body felt it. today it reminded me that even dreams need to
take deep breaths. even opportunities need deliberate attention.
time is on my side. truly. take a step back. honor it all. stand in awe.
because, this, all of it, is kind of amazing--discomfort and all.

today my body reminded me to celebrate all this goodness slowly,
to cultivate it, to give it the patience it deserves, to watch
and pay attention.

deep breaths. eyes closed. deep breaths. eyes wide. deep breaths.

today my body felt it.


Unknown said...

"even dreams need to take deep breaths." exactly. find the quiet. pause. let the dreams rest & slumber, they will continue to grow & nourish you if you take care of them as well.
so glad to ana & ann marie are contributors. what are you two imaginative women concocting? loud lovely dreams celebrating slowness and all things intentional & beautiful...
rest well, dream big, scoop up life.
looking forward to seeing what you will come to life on these pages.

Anita said...

Yes, yes, and yes! Dreams need to breath...just like you said! Listen to what the beat of your heart tells you...the sinew and the muscle tells you. Soak it in and let it buoy you towards destiny!

Debie Grace said...

Very human. Thank you for sharing this personal thing of yours. I am this in some ways as well. And it feels good to feel that you're alive and you know your worth. :)

Inge said...

It's so striking that you always seem to share your thoughts on something that I'm going through at the moment. Just today, I realized that indeed "even dreams need to take deep breaths". That I need to take the time to enjoy them, not blast through them. That they will not go away when I leave them to rest for a bit, but grow. Thank you for these heartfelt words.