the wonder of darker days


i'm sure you've noticed that the sun is spending less time with us these days
as we approach the solstice...
my body has definitely noticed it. this morning i was hesitant to emerge from my cozy covers,
and once i did emerge i traded my morning run for a good book and some hot milk.
i think that's the best decision i made all day. i love when i can overcome a "should" with a "want."
perhaps later today i'll find some time to go walking despite the long to-do list that is looming.
can't wait until saturday...then my usual short to-do list will be back, and i can throw
this long to-do list away. i've learned a lesson with this long to-do list:

next time i'm saying "no." i'd rather be enjoying these short winter days in a "want" sort of a way, rather than a "should" sort of a way.

so, let's all go outside today. even if it's just for a little walk. what do you say?


beth said...

i might get out with your gentle push, but oh my gosh, it's so cold here :)

Unknown said...

I think I will go outside today! The sun is FINALLY shining here in Kentucky and the rain has gone away. It's rare these days so I will savor it.

Anita said...

Want kind of days can be better than should kind of days, but at the same time the should days do help us to relish the want days. Hope you have a lovely one!

Cassie said...

It is so cold out there. But. My coworker asked if I wanted to have lunch delivered, and I offered to go pick it up instead. For the fresh air, I told her.

I really really love the images in this post.

Nicole Jeannette said...

Thankfully the sun is shining right now in Nashville, but it hasn't been lately and it makes me sad always!! Hang in there!

sarah said...

These blue-black photographs are stunning.

Caroline said...

I love these photos! Love them.

The Egg said...

sometimes you need to say NO for your own well-being.

psst, i'm having a very personal give-away today over at the egg. check it out!

xo the egg out west.

joanne said...

I am so glad that I am not the only one this week that did what I wanted, not what I 'oughted' and it also included hot chocolate (and chocolate digestives) - for breakfast!

I love your photographs - there has been so much rain today...

Anonymous said...

the photographs capture the atmosphere perfectly, they're lovely - as yours always are.

Unknown said...

What wonderful light. I adore these photographs.

Minna - Carefree Casualness said...

Beautiful photos. I love this feeling here.

Jo Potter said...

I'm very fond of trees as well and this post is magical with beautiful dramatic photos!

Those cold mornings do make you want to just stay in bed and stay cosy.;-)

Have a lovely weekend,
Jo May.

nacherluver said...

Gorgeous photos. Your reflection on your morning is beautiful as well.

tinyparticlesoflight said...

The second picture is my favorite - the berries look almost metallic. Beautiful. I hear ya on choosing the wants over the's so good to treat yourself to that!


Lindsey Briggs said...

Beautiful and sensitive imagery. I love the cooler blue tones. What time of day did you photograph these?

Ann Marie said...

I took these photos mid-day. I played with the white balance to give them a cooler hue.

bigBANG studio said...

surprisingly the commute from brooklyn to manhattan has provided more-than-expected outdoor time. i actually look forward to my long walk from the subway to the studio even when it's nasty weather out- but lord knows how much i crave that desert winter sunshine.

here's a toast to you and ceej for a wonderful christmas season. big hugs. xoxo

kylie said...

love the cooler hues. sets the mood.

Julie said...

love these images-inspiring me to go outside today!

Sarahbeth said...

You're making me rethink my winter days. Normally I feel all grumbly and tubbly during wintertime. I'm going to work on changing my attitude and liking cold morning runs! Keep your word about your love of darker & colder days coming!