this is indeed a magical month...though i came into it a bit agitated.
yes, agitated. yesterday i tried to go for a walk in the mountains...
it lasted a full ten minutes before i felt anxious and stirred up.
a rare phenomenon indeed. usually the mountains sooth me,
but i think i forced myself upon them, and so i found nothing there.
perhaps i found nothing there because i had so many ideas swimming
around in my head, and i just had to get them out. this project is pulling me,
taking on a life of its own.
last night the wind was agitated too. it kept me up for hours
before i finally rolled my tired body out of bed to find some ear plugs.
i haven't heard such a frightful wind in years.
my power flickered on and off, and i was sure my ice cream was going to melt in the freezer.
i wished ceej was home so we could cuddle the storm out together.
i finally fell asleep with the ear plugs in, and hoped i wouldn't shiver all night long.
this morning i crossed a couple of have-to's off my list and had a lovely idle morning.
the wind is still blowing, but i have power and ideas are still swimming in my head.
this month, this magical month, has already cast it's spell on me.
it has unsettled me, made me uncomfortable, while simultaneously giving me
lots of sweet dreams and imaginations. it is stirring me thoroughly.
so off we go...
{p.s. i hope to tell you of my amazing project next month sometime...for now i must keep it secret/keep it safe. you're going to love it. i promise.}
Thinking of you dear heart! May this month truly be a magical one for you!
P.S. Can't wait to hear all about this new project!
i am intrigued about your new project now.
To feel the power of your ideas can sometimes be unsettling; for me I feel restless until I can fulfill them - can't wait until you can tell us your secret!
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