desktop quote & manifesto monday: words, poetry, physicians, letters


{large desktop backgroud...right click and save}

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{large desktop background...right click and save}

{small desktop background...right click and save}


1. cailen ascher said...

what beautiful sentiments! thanks for sharing : )

gorgeous blog - will definitely be back again soon.

happy <3 day

2. cailen ascher said...

ps i'm your newest follower!

3. Cobalt Violet said...

I love a handwritten letter! It's more and more rare ...
Happy Valentines Day! Beautiful post!

4. Ariane Reichardt said...

Dear Ann Marie,
thank you for your lovely comment.
I love the poetic words of John Keats.
Did you saw the film 'Bright Star' of Jane Campion? I love this film... wonderful poetic pictures: she, laying on her bed, longs for her Love... him, the white curtains softly billow out in the breathing.
Wish you a wonderful evening,


5. Ann Marie said...


I DID see Bright Star, and LOVED it so very much...I think Ms. Campion did a very nice job of capturing Mr. Keats's poetry and letters. It is indeed a beautiful film!

6. Julie-Inspired said...

I am really...really so happy to have found your beautiful space here today (thank you for stopping over to mine). I was just wrapped up by sifting through your beautiful photos. xo

7. S. Etole said...

I appreciated your visit ... the penmanship is like a work of art.

8. Tash said...

Loved Bright Star movie so much and love your beautiful post Ann Marie. I still exchange hand written letters to family abroad and I always get giddy when I see that I have a letter in my mailbox :)
Happy Valentine's day to you!
Natasha xo

9. Cari-Jane Hakes said...

Oh, this is a beautiful blog! Thank you for commenting on mine otherwise I wouldn't have found you. Gorgeous vintage papers and Keats - a perfect combination.

10. Anonymous said...

what beautiful words!

11. Denise | Chez Danisse said...

Beautiful idea. I'm a definite fan of, shall we call it 'slow writing'. I'm sure you brought joy.

12. Brandi said...

Just beautiful. I'll be putting that quote on my desktop for a few days...

13. Hannah said...

I love these images - I have saved the first one as my desktop background. Thankyou for sharing! I was in Rome last Easter and saw the house where Keats lived. I remember my English teacher telling us about the quote on his tombstone which reads, 'here lies one whose name is writ in Water.' It has always stuck with me and I always think of it whenever I see his name.
Such a lovely post : )

14. Lucy said...

Your handwritten note and these desktop backgrounds with the words of John Keats are the perfect inspiration. I love writing handwritten cards to my close friends and family. And I save every one given to me! I recently bought a notebook dayplanner because I don't want to use my phone any more -- I want to write down my plans with a pen and paper!