did you ever pretend to be a giant worm
burried in a pile of leaves
then beg your brother to fetch grandpa
so he could fish you out?
or try to lay motionless, breathless
while your brother "convinced" your mom
to come outside to see the "harmless" pile of leaves
then he said the secret word for you to jump up
to "surprise" her?

have you ever heard the aspens quake
and shiver their leaves of gold?

have you ever walked home late at night
after studying for hours at the library,
enjoying the darkness for your enhanced smell {breathing in wet leaves and pavement} and your enhanced hearing {sloshy or crinkled leaves}?

have you ever finished reading a novel or a short poem
that moved you to go outside to notice how the earth
lives, breathes, and beats?

have you ever wanted a season to linger...
to give you one more brisk breeze
or one last bowl of butternut squash soup.

or have you ever grown tired,
seeking change?

have you ever been so grateful
for right now?
it's just all so beautiful,
isn't it?
{photos by me. october 2009. utah}
Yes! i love all those things. My favorites are when the wind blows and little eddies (sp?) of leaves are all over the air. and we would form the leaves into huge nests and pretend we were birds. LOVE fall. so beautiful.
Such a beautiful post! It makes me feel that warm and coziness that only fall can bring.
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