photo by me, down by the river next to our home in california. (p.s. i'm noticing that the color of my photos changes from computer to computer...i'll have to fix that)
what do i love more than rain?
thunder storms!!
the national weather service is forecasting rain and t-storms tomorrow
and rain for the rest of the week!
so get out your wellies for splashing in puddles...
not to mention their rubbery protection from possible lightning strikes (right?!)
hooray for storms!
(sorry that ceej had to ride his bike home in a down-poor...but now he's warm and dry!)
I have to agree, I love stormy days. Luckily, we get a lot of rain here. I think I mostly look forward to storms because of my rain boots though, and I love your red ones!
I love stormy days too!
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