I think it's because we feel we missed out on something...a lot of things. We're learning the lost art of homemaking (it truly is an ART). We want to grow things ourselves and then can our produce in the fall so that we can have fresh eatings in the winter. Most days when I look in the mirror after dressing I think, "man, I look like my mom when she was a little girl"...why? Because that style was and is so pretty. It's fun to wear skirts and put on red lipstick. It's fun to use Grandma's old rollers to get those ringlet curls...it's fun to ride trikes if you ask me.
My mom commented that there's not much original writing going on these days in books, TV, or movies. I agree. It's all a repeat of when she was growing up. For good reason. What does my Nintendo generation have to offer? Not much. (I'm sure I can think of something that we can offer culturally, but I'm in a "nostalgic" mood).
Those little girls: my mom on the back, getting a ride from Aunt Connie. Beautiful girls who became beautiful women.
I totally agree. Maybe this is why I am such a sentimental person who likes such sentimental things.
I wrote my senior writing project on how, as English majors, all we do is write about what other people have written. It's not enough. We need to produce original works! Original ideas! You, my friend, are full of them.
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