A few minutes ago I recieved an email from my Uncle David (the boy pictured above). He is a professor of English, and obviously a good one because he is so generous. I last saw him at my grandparents house during the holidays. He shared with me words of wisdom and kindness concerning my senior thesis (that thing which has consumed my thoughts to the point of anxiety). Today I received an email from him with more words of encouragement and kindness. Hooray for people who ease our burdens and make them light!
I often find that when looking for miracles, it's not that something hard or sad has gone away, but that I am changed in one way or another to be able to bear it. Today I know my heart has been transformed to bear the things that have been oh so hard.
Thank you, Thank you, Ann Marie, for sharing your insights, your thoughts, your experience, your Self. Blessings, Blessings. One, Two, Three. Bless you now, for blessing me. ("Karma Boomerang," by aj)
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